CYBER SLACKING - the subject of my blog
Today, after the many weeks of the hesitations, I’ve decided to choose the subject of my blog.Ladies and gentlemen! The winner is...
What it means? I suppose, that every of us met this problem in his enterprise.
So, what is a definition of cyber slacking is? Is the practice of emloyees using the Internet or other employer-provided resources for leisure during work hours, contributing to inefficiency. [].

In accordance to results of the researches published on the Internet, app. 90% of the employees in USA are using Internet during theirs working hours for private use. When I've started looking for interesting information about the CYBER SLACKING, I found alarming data. Newsweek reports in end of nineties: “personal surfing and e-mailing can seriously strain a company's computer network” this is a cost of $1 billion a year in wasted computer resources, plus "billions of dollars in lost productivity" [Newsweek, November 1999]
The problem is growing...
Trying to concentrate on my work without checking my BLOG every 5 minutes I'm waiting for Your comments about the CYBER SLACKING after the 6 p.m. please ; ]
Yes indeed ; ]
Thank You for information.
I found on internet many interesting information about cyber slacking and financial consequences taken by the employers. I'll try to publish some of those in my blog.
I hope it will be interesting.
If you want, I would send you more data by email.
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